Our Kindergarten


Our Kindergarten offers a unique learning experience for children aged 2 to 6 years and our qualified teachers provide an integrated curriculum in both English and Mandarin.


Our priority at Witty is to promote a high quality children’s education, focusing on children’s morality, intelligence, physical ability, social and aesthetic development.





We believe that children become confident and independent learners  through exploration and play. At Witty our goal is to provide a stimulating environment for young learners which fosters their social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.





The philosophy centers around WITTY – offering love, care and professional attitude.


W  Wisdom
 I  Intelligence
T  Thinker
T  Talent
Y  Yearnful




  •  . To provide a healthy and safe learning environment and use effective teaching strategies.
  •  . To establish a home-school cooperation through parental involvement.
  •  . To develop children’s sense of belonging and responsibility towards society.
  •  . To foster good personal habits and a positive learning attitude.
  •  . To develop loving and trusting teacher/child relationships.



Our Teachers


Our professional, qualified, and experienced teachers are committed to a child-centred learning approach.